根據國際勞工組織公約、國內勞動基準法和聯合國關於兒童權利和消除對婦女所有形式歧視的公約規定,台北城堡遵循 SA8000 社會責任管理系統致力於使企業的社會責任、勞動權益、工作安全
Regarding the International Labor Organization convention, Labor Standards Act, the
United Nations Convention about the rights of the child, and the elimination of all forms
of discrimination against women, CHI MEI CORPORATION follows the SA8000 Social
Responsibility Management System, devoting to organizational social responsibility,
labor rights, working safety, and meet the requirements of Social Responsibility
Management System.
1.1 遵守法律 Compliance with the law
Comply with all the applicable national laws and regulations, industry standards,
convention of International Labor Organization and the United Nations.
1.2 結社自由和集體談判權利 Freedom of Association and Collective Negotiation Rights
Comply with the laws of labor association and collective negotiation regulations.
In some situations or nations, when freedom of association and collective
negotiation rights are restricted due to law, promote autonomy as well as
freedom organization and negotiation with the similar methods.
1.3 禁止歧視 Prohibition of Discrimination
Prohibit any discrimination against gender, age, religion, ancestry, social status,
social background, disability, race, membership, parties, sexual orientation, or
other personal features.
1.4 薪資 Wages
而降低員工工資。 The pay of the normal working hours wages, overtime wages and overtimewages differential should meet the legal standards. Do not illegally or
unauthorized reduce employee wages.
1.5 工作時間 Working Time
Overtime work should be voluntary for employees. Working hours should comply
with the government regulations.
1.6 工作場所安全 Safety of Working Place
Establish regulations and procedures of occupational health and safety, and
execute strictly. Workplace practices and conditions can not damage the basic
human rights.
1.7 禁止雇用童工 Prohibition of Child Labor Employment
Regarding the convention of International Labor Organization and the United
Nations, and/ or provision of national laws, prohibit child labor employment, and
prohibit all forms of exploitation of children, and the rights of minors employees
should be protected.
1.8 禁止强迫勞動 Prohibition of Forced Labor
Prohibit all forms of forced labor.